Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Feeling mad secure about my transactions

Final #2 is tomorrow, after that it will be a lot better just corporations on Monday and Constitutional Law the Thursday afterwards.

I'm pretty excited about maintaining a blog, the opportunity to write freely is something that comes rarely if at all during law school. I can't imagine that I will have opportunities to write creatively in the future. I suppose that taking advantage of this new fangaled contraption called the internet will give me an outlet for my thoughts. Reflectively speaking, maybe it will afford me some perspective about my days and events that make up these postings.

I don't suppose that this blog will have any sort of theme. Those readers that know me* know that very little about me can be considered a theme. I am one of the more discursive people that one will meet, and I certainly do not stay on topic nearly enough.

But still I imagine that this space will be used mainly as an outlet to describe the events in my life, my opinions about sports (Yankee-jets fan right here), current events, politics, articles, and yes, quite possibly legal issues.

* i say this assuming that people will read this blog. I am aware that the details of my life are not at all stimulating or racy. but if anything it will give me a chance to express myself, and I am in favor of that.

1 comment:

disha.b.shah said...

Two posts in less than 24 hours. Impressive.