Monday, December 17, 2007


Today was a rough day; I felt exactly the same way as I did during the Tax Final. Well, maybe not that badly. Nevertheless, a couple of times I considered packing up my computer, going home to Westchester, and never again coming to Brooklyn. What frustrates me the most is the fickleness of law school grading/exams. I feel like I spent half of the fact pattern just figuring out what the hell happened. Aside from the Secured Transactions exam, I feel that the the other two tests hit me like a freaking truck. Well, so it goes. I suppose it could be much worse.

Overall, Law School has been pretty damn disappointing.

I’ve always been an underachiever. In high school my GPA was artificially low because I did not want to be constrained by the heuristic devices employed by teachers. Instead, I chose to do the reading, but not the journal entry, to do well on the test, but neglect to do the homework. That was my way, I suppose, of saying SCREW YOU society.

In college I worked pretty damn hard (nothing like this) but anyone who was friends with me in college knows the ethic that I put into my studies. I actually did pretty well, I didn’t graduate cum laude because my GPA was artificially low thanks to a dismal first year as a pre-med. I was an A/B+ student all the other years, however.

When I graduated I felt pretty damn good about my capabilities and in my mind, law school was just the final step to a career in some sort of professional endeavor. Instead, I have never felt so despondent about my potential to succeed in the “grown up” world. I feel like a donkey that showed up to a horse race.

Anyway, one and done (except for a paper).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dude
I just wanna sayy
You're gonna be the best lawyer ever!!
You're one hardworking chap
Really driven and intelligent
You also know alot about indian hIstory which is amazing considering you spent ALMOST all your life in new york!
I know life can be really stressful at times..
but it's at those moments when u need to think of losers like me!!
and that will make u smile :)
cheer up, and keep hoping for the best
and in the meanwhile, you can always seek my wise advise to help u steer through perilous times