Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here in my car, I feel vulnerable in my car. I can lock all the doors but the unemployed teenagers can break in.

Driving on STX is, in a word, stressful. Potholes, deer, goats, cows, sheep, HORSES (yes, fucking horses), mongooses, and iguanas are just a few of the wild animals who can fuck up your day. Aside from that, cliffs, potholes, the fact that your steering wheel is on the left side and you DRIVE on the left side. And by potholes, I mean giant freaking craters that can eat your damn car. Oh, did I mention the island is beautiful? Finally, for an island, people drive like jackasses.

To get to work, I go down the hill, through a long dirt road that is a river when it rains, up a mountain, down a mountain, through a rain forest, past a school, past a goat farm, and then I make a left to my office. When I get my car at night, I hear cows mooing on the other side of the fence.

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